As food growers, we sometimes have a wonderful problem: too much fruit!

We recently had this issue with the delicious passion fruit. Yes, you can make juice, tarts, smoothies, marinades and more with the passion fruit. With a little chocolate and patience, we made passion fruit truffles. Good Moon Farm Passion Fruit

Here’s how:

Scoop out the pulp (and seeds) and place into a sauce pan. We used about 20 passion fruit for this recipe. Be prepared to do a bit of stiring, you need to cook the pulp down until it gets thick and jam-like. Add sugar to taste.

Cool completely.

You can use your favorite chocolate truffle recipe, or try ours:

8 ounces of semi-sweet or bitter sweet chocolate

1/2 cup heavy whipping cream

1 teaspoon vanilla

cocoa powder for dusting

Put the cream in a sauce pan and heat until simmering, making sure to stir often so it doesn’t scorch. Add the chocolate and the passion fruit mixture and remove the sauce pan from the heat. Allow to sit for a few minutes and stir. Make sure the mixture is smooth and add in the vanilla. Cool completely in the refrigerator (at least two hours). Use your judgment on the amount of passion fruit mixture to add, it shouldn’t be more than a 1/2 cup of fruit. It really depends on how far down you cooked your passion fruit.

Using a spoon, scoop out teaspoon sized balls of the chocolate  mixture and roll in your hands. Work quickly as the chocolate will begin to melt with the heat of your hands. Place on a cookie sheet and return to the refrigerator until ready to serve. Remove and dust with cocoa powder. Serve immediately and enjoy!

We could not stop eating these. The chocolate and passion fruit are the perfect combination of sour and sweet.

What is your favorite use for too much fruit?

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